The Economical Impact of Spooky Nook Sports Mega-Plex's Arrival to the City of Hamilton
On Friday, January 19th, the Greater Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting presented a Key Note Speaker that was highly anticipated with much enthusiasm. Sam Beiler, Owner of Spooky Nook Indoor Sports Complex, came to the podium to speak about the future of extending the world's largest indoor sports mega-plex into Hamilton Ohio.
Sam Beiler - Owner, Spooky Nook Sport Complex
“We remain very excited about this project in Hamilton,” Spooky Nook owner Sam Beiler told the audience. Much of the former Champion Paper mill will look like it did when current residents’ fathers and grandfathers worked there, he said. "You have something unusual and impressive here in Hamilton, hard to find anywhere else."
Mr. Beiler continued to express his compliments about Hamilton, stating it's government composition is unusual and very good. Hamilton delivers their their mission statement to it's citizens, he continued. "You have no idea what happens when people come together with the same vision. That is what is happening here, very extraordinary. There is no political power playing here. No ego driven decision making. They are focused in one thing ... how to make Hamilton better. That is rarely found anywhere."
He encouraged the group of entrepreneurs and civic leaders in attendance at the Chamber dinner, to get ready for his project's impact on Hamilton Ohio. "You have the building stock and roadways that you probably don't appreciate... Yet!" Get ready for us, Hamilton, he continued to deliver the message passionately. Beiler informed the audience, during Martin Luther King weekend, a volleyball tournament drew 11,000-plus people to the Pennsylvania site each day. If just half those people leave a similar tournament in Hamilton someday and visit restaurants nearby, that will be 5,000 hungry customers, he said. And while he said he believes Hamilton is primed for the excitement and energy another Spooky Nook will bring, “You don’t have enough restaurants to feed 5,000 people yet.”
Watch Sam Beiler address a large crowd, eagerly awaiting to hear the plans for Spooky Nook
in Hamilton Ohio and the fiscal impact that is expected to occur within 2 years.
in Hamilton Ohio and the fiscal impact that is expected to occur within 2 years.
Businesses should occupy vacant stores on Main and High streets now, he suggested, because when Spooky Nook opens here, he advised, “these storefronts on Main Street, on High Street, are going to be gone.” If available, they will be high ticket items.
An economic impact study that examined the activity created by the existing Spooky Nook facility near Lancaster, Pa., found it created $98.5 million in business, including direct and indirect benefits.
What is the reality of Spooky Nooky coming into Hamilton? “We continue to work on the funding stack” for the $140 million to $150 million project", Beiler said. "I would not be standing here before you, if we were not serious. We are excited about being part of Hamilton!"
Hamilton German Village shares in this excitement and is getting ready for this addition in a short 24 months. Our northern end offers a quick stroll across the Black Street Bridge to what is anticipated the hub of the upcoming Spooky Nook West. This route is actually the shortest to any commercial segment in downtown Hamilton. In addition, the distinctive and charming hardscapes of German Village, will sure to draw thousands of visitors to us.
Be sure to consider joining our community as an investor within our new North Third Street Entertainment Plaza. Go to for more information.